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The Gooseberry Hill Primary School P&C Association is a voluntary organisation that meets regularly to allow parents and community members to be involved in the school. The committee directly liaises with the school administration as well as providing direct representation to the School Council.  All parents are encouraged to attend the P&C meetings and participate in P&C activities. 


Meetings are conducted twice a term in the School Admin Building commencing at 6.30pm (Webex option also available).  These are usually in weeks 3 and 7.  The dates are always published in the school newsletter.  Any P&C news about fundraising events, canteen etc. is published fortnightly in the official School Newsletter. 


To contact our P&C Association, please email

We belong to a school community which holds the vision that ‘Together we seek wisdom by striving for excellence and success in a nurturing yet challenging environment, rich with experience and rigour”

Our Mission


In partnership with our school, we welcome and encourage our families to come together to inspire the future citizens of our world to be the best that they can be.



The Gooseberry Hill Primary School P&C is made up of supportive school parents and involved citizens for the purpose of providing support to our school community. The P&C Association contributes to the funding of exciting ventures and has an equally important role in adding to the social fabric of our GHPS school community. The key to all our initiatives, whether it is a fundraising event, providing feedback to the Principal or organising an event that brings our school community together, is involvement.


You do not need to take on a formal role with the P&C to be actively involved. There are many ways to support the P&C and its ventures, so come along to a meeting to see just what we have planned, meet some new friends, contribute to the school community and have a lot of fun.


The P&C meet twice a term in the school admin building and we generally discuss what is happening at school, fundraising initiatives, school social events for both parents and children and the running of our canteen, uniform shop and finances. We aim to assist the school in its delivery of a rich learning environment.


It is also worth noting what we don’t do. The P&C does not set School policy or take part in School governance. However, we have a keen interest in these issues and often discuss them and we have a P&C elected representative on the School Board.


Meeting dates are set out in the School calendar and all parents are welcome. Please sign a membership form and pay $1 if you’d like to join. Forms can be found in the admin building or online. New attendees are not required to vote or give speeches – there’ll be no pressure to do anything nerve-wracking and meetings are quite informal so feel free to just turn up.



The P&C hosts many events and activities throughout the year, with the intention to create a positive culture amongst the school community and to take the opportunity where appropriate to raise funds.


Fathers Day Breakfast

Early morning breakfast for dads and their kids.



Full time paid canteen manager & part timer. 


School Disco

A fun afternoon of dance for the kids. 

Student Helpers

Second Hand Uniform Shop

Uniforms at affordable prices. Money from sales goes towards Lowes Vouchers which are then gifted to families in need.


Mothers Day Stall 

Provide affordable gifts for the kids to purchase. 


Easter Raffle 

Free Easter Raffle for all students.


Lego Masters Comp

A friendly lego comp for the kids with prizes. 


Pastoral Care Account

This is money provided to support families in need in confidence as requested by the School admin.


Colour Run 

A fun day full of colour, music and running. 


Cross Walk Attendant 

Provide a morning & afternoon paid attendant.  

Business Directory

Online Business Directory

An initiative implemented to support out local business community.

Icy Poles

Icey-poles for cross country runner

We offer a range of products to the school community. 


We welcome any contribution you can make to the P&C, and of course your kids will be so proud that you’re involved. The simplest way to get started is to contact a P&C member or come to a meeting usually held in the admin building. We also have a P&C Facebook Page (Gooseberry Hill P&C) that you are welcome to join. It is also a good place to ask any questions you may have (remember someone else probably wants to know the same thing). This is a closed Facebook group and you will be asked some questions to verify you are part of our school community.


If you are unable to come to meetings, by checking your fortnightly newsletter, you will be able to follow P&C activities and get involved in the one that interests you. Some of these activities include sundowners, school disco, Mother’s and Father’s Day stalls, NAIDOC Week celebrations and workshops, 'thank a teacher' morning tea/breakfasts, Scholastic Book Club and other general fundraising events.


The P&C also co-ordinates and/or funds playground improvements, new equipment for the school, Science Week activities, and many other activities to support the education of our children. These events and the running of the school canteen can't be done without the help of volunteers.

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Find us: 

Gooseberry Hill Primary School 

© By GHPS P & C 

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